Milk Monitoring

Actionable insights into milk yield and quality.

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With the fully integrated SenseHub® Dairy In-Line MilkPlus Sensor and the SenseHub Dairy In-Line Somatic Cell Count Sensor, the SenseHub Dairy Milk Monitoring solution provides you with milk yield and quality insights.

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SenseHub Dairy Milk monitoring device

Actionable insights into milk yield and quality

No matter which milking parlour type or brand, with the SenseHub Dairy In-Line MilkPlus Sensor, you can easily monitor critical milk data providing you with instant visibility into milk trends for individual cows and your entire herd.

  • Yield
  • Fat
  • Protein
  • Lactose
  • Blood
  • Conductivity

Individual SCC results in
under two minutes

With the SenseHub Dairy In-Line Somatic Cell Count (SCC) Sensor, you get fast visibility of SCC within two minutes of cupping your cows – without disrupting the milking routine, and with all results stored and displayed in the SenseHub Dairy app.

SenseHub Dairy Sorting report on a laptop
mobile phone and laptop with SenseHub Dairy data

Create custom insights to fine-tune daily operations

With SenseHub Dairy milk reports and graphs, you have the shift, daily and lactation milk production insights needed to make more informed decisions to optimise productivity and well-being.

Milk reports and graphs for

  • SCC dry-off
  • Herd shift summary
  • Shift milk information
  • Health
  • Lactation
  • Shift yield

Ready to hear more about how milk monitoring can help you?

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